Who am I?
I am a 42 women and in my early 20s I got turned into a werewolf by one of my romantic partners but we eventually broke up. And it left me kinda salty and I felt horrible for all the people and animals I killed so I became a very self hating werewolf and decided to cure myself by a witch doctor
it was pretty successful until I got turned back recently
I also like old 90s video games(half life,the sims 1,super mario world,mario 64,ocarina of time, a link to the past and crono trigger) and I am learning english
Why I Started This Site
a few days ago I was taking a walk around my local forest, after I cured my lycanthropy it became a tradition for me to just wonder around the Forrest on a full moon
(in my local area there weren’t any other lycanthropes so I thought I was pretty safe)
I was at the top of a pretty high cliff and looking down at the distant radiant light of my town with my binoculars, when I heard a terrible growl. the growl sounded way too high pitched(for people transforming for the first its pretty common for this to happen, its ok your mind hant gotten use to the new body ) not enough throat so it sounded more like a person with a extremely deep voice trying to do a sponge bob impression,and failing badly then a scary werewolf.
after a few seconds I heard some more hoarse cartoon character impressions and heavy breathing but not… the terrifying animal type of deep breathing, but of the asthmatic kid from school type
i saw her
even in werewolf form she looked kinda overweight(as a 40 year old women I understand what its like to be shamed for your weight, being healthy in this modern time requires a lot of money and time im just saying this out of advise that when your in animal form you lose fat a lot quicker so I could tell in that moment that she was newer to this whole turning into half animals thing )
I was kind flabbergasted when I saw her and froze up,she clearly was struggling to walk a few more steps . she was also coughing so I think she really had asthma
when I got back to my senses and started to run I forgot my backpack and lantern so I decided to circler the area and get back my stuff. Running through the clearing was easy due to the moon reflecting the sun very well that night but through the trees it was total darkness except a few wrinkles of light that got through the tree’s canopy.
so I stumbled a lot but because I already had been through here I knew the waythe problem was that when I got back into the clearing I ran directly into Her back
when I hit her she stumbled a bit but but I hit her so hard that I fell on my back
it took her a few seconds to realize what happened, she then looked directly at me. she bite my leg with a really weak form she could barely move her hips so she basically tried to get on the ground like a soldier trying to get under a chainlink fence but she fell instead teeth first into my leg
(opps got infected again Xd I said to myself)
with my other foot I hit her in the head and she flopped off my foot
it was still bleeding but I could still run pretty well. Grabbed my backpack and latern and ran to my car and then drove back into town.
I could have gotten eaten out they're but because of her sloppy skills I got away. That inspired me to start this site to help people who are about to turn for the first time or even expersts with advise